=== Aqua Page Builder === Author URI: http://aquagraphite.com Plugin URI: http://aquagraphite.com/2012/10/aqua-page-builder/ Contributors: syamilmj Tags: page builder, aquagraphite, syamil mj Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.6 Stable Tag: 1.1.1 License: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version Powerful Drag & Drop Page Builder with UI that feels like home with WordPress. == Description == Aqua Page Builder is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create an unlimited number of template variations for use in your WordPress themes. It follows the same user interface used by the Menus & Widgets admin pages - making you feel right at home with the UI. Similar to the Widgets & Menus, Aqua Page Builder features the drag and drop interaction to build its templates. Features of the plugin include: * Highly intuitive, drag-and-drop user interface * Integrate seamlessly with WordPress admin interface * Compatible with WordPress Import/Exporter * Unlimited number of reusable templates * Highly extensible * Developer friendly with dozens of actions and filters **See our list of [Supported Themes](http://aquagraphite.com/api/documentation/aqua-page-builder#supported-themes)** **Follow this plugin on [GitHub](https://github.com/sy4mil/Aqua-Page-Builder)** More information at [Aquagraphite.com](http://aquagraphite.com/2012/10/aqua-page-builder/). == Installation == 1. Activate the plugin 2. Go to Appearance > Page Builder and create new templates 3. For detailed instructions please refer to the complete [Documentation](http://aquagraphite.com/api/documentation/aqua-page-builder) page. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why do I see only 6 blocks? = These are default blocks provided with this plugin. Please see the list of [supported themes](http://aquagraphite.com/api/documentation/aqua-page-builder#supported-themes) that includes more blocks, or learn how to create your own from our [Wiki](https://github.com/sy4mil/Aqua-Page-Builder/wiki). = How do I Add My Own Custom Blocks? = Please see our [Wiki](https://github.com/sy4mil/Aqua-Page-Builder/wiki) section on how to develop your own custom blocks. == Screenshots == 1. Screenshot 1 2. Screenshot 2 3. Screenshot 3 == Changelog == = 1.1.1: June 8, 2013 = * FIX - Fixed issue with some blocks not exporting * ADD - Navbar is sortable & will keep this order = 1.1.0: April = * First offical release! * For complete list of changelog from previous versions, please see the [Changelog](http://aquagraphite.com/api/changelog/aqua-page-builder) Page == Upgrade Notice == - null